Saturday, December 11, 2010

NAVY BLUE @ Ford Supermodel Press Conference

Like this morning, I was invited to the press conference of Ford Supermodel of the World at Stylo Academy. If you guys want to know what was the press conference about. Let's me explain a little bit what's happening this morning.

Ford Supermodel of Malaysia Edition is searching girls who are have what model needs. It must be in right height at least 5' 10 feet and above. The girls must have a good attitude and it doesn't matter if  you can't speak English so well, not pretty much, financial problem background and what so ever. At least if you have credibility to be able represent the country for the world finals in New York City which if you win this competition.The searching of the unpolished model or untouched diamond of the girls will be starting in  early next year. So girls, watch out! The winner could win US$ 250,000 contract with Ford Agency. Ford Supermodel of the World in conjunction with the Sepang International Circuit (SIC) or KL Formula 1.

In other stories for today, I was invited to this event as a fashion blogger. First of all, thanks to the Stylo Team, Daephen who invited me. During this event, I have met a lovely Sputnik Sweetheart's blogger. I really love her style. Totally amazed me. Well, for my today's outfit, I tried to play with a little bit of navy blue for avoid the boring look . At least you can see me in colour starting from now on.!! =)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

really nice to meet u too Diana! I've put your photo & link on my blog as well :)

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